
主博云音乐账号: 古水-LOFTER
子博乐乎用户名: 九夏樂音
Nightbird Eva Cassidy
Autumn Leaves - Eva Cassidy

The falling leaves drift by my window
凭窗静观  落叶缤纷
The falling leaves of red and gold
火红金黄  舞作罗裙
I see your lips, the summer kisses
似你双唇  飞递热吻
The sunburned hands I used to hold
如你双手  遗我温存
Since you went away the days grow long
自君别后  昼长夜深
And soon I'll hear old winter's song
耳畔杳闻  冬日绮韵 
But I miss you most of all, my darling
四顾惘然  思君尤甚
When autumn leaves start to fall
一叶秋声  且随风吟
Since you went away the days grow long
自君别后  昼长夜深
And soon I'll hear old winter's song
耳畔杳闻  冬日绮韵
But I miss you most of all, my darling
四顾惘然  思君尤甚
When autumn leaves start to fall
一叶秋声  且随风吟
I miss you most of all, my darling
此际思绪  彼时离恨
When autumn leaves start to fall
零落成泥  轻碾作尘


曲名: 秋叶
        (Autumn Leaves/Les Feuilles mortes)
作曲: 约瑟夫·柯斯马
        (Joseph Kosma 1905-1969)
填词(英语): 强尼·莫瑟
                 (Johnny Mercer 1909-1976)
演唱: 伊娃·卡西迪
        (Eva Cassidy 1963.2.2-1996.11.2)
歌词中译: © 古水(禁止盗用或站外转载)  

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