
主博云音乐账号: 古水-LOFTER
子博乐乎用户名: 九夏樂音
Alone Nana Mouskouri
A Place in My Heart - Nana Mouskouri

        浪子回头金不换,莫要教诗和远方,蹉跎了青春年华,辜负了转角的爱。一首英伦老歌「我心一隅」(A Place in My Heart),由“雅典白玫瑰”娜娜·穆斯库莉娓娓唱来,温情浪漫之中,你又可曾听出一份埋藏在心底的执着与无奈呢......

歌词原文(中文意译 © 古水 禁止盗用及站外转载)
I got your letter yesterday
From some small town I never knew
昨日惠函已收 来自陌生地方
It told me you were on your way
But not where you were going to
闻悉君已登程 却非昔日所想
You said you're following the sun
But do you really know for sure
你说追随阳光 但愿不再迷茫
For after all is said and done
Just what it is you' re looking for
道尽言语万千 倾诉心之所往
There's a place in my heart
I wish that your eyes could see
若你能将目光 投向我心一隅
And there's no one on earth
Who loves you as much as me
便知在这世上 惟我恋你甚笃
If you just travel on and on
Till I don't know where
若你浪迹天涯 直到音讯全无
There's a place in my heart
You may never find again
我将关闭心扉 无意随你放逐
And so you travel with the wind
You'll find some road to fly along
你说乘风而行 任由梦想领航
And though your letter says the word
Your heart may soon forget the song
信笺载满梦想 心却忘记歌唱
Then you may someday write the poem
That tells your life in words of fire
笔墨汇成诗行 点燃生命篇章
But you will never have a home
Or find the love that you desire
子心依然漂泊 远离爱与故乡
There's a place in my heart
I wish that your eyes could see
若你能将目光 投向我心一隅
And there's no one on earth
Who loves you as much as me
便知在这世上 惟我恋你甚笃
If you just travel on and on
Till I don't know where
若你浪迹天涯 直到音讯全无
There's a place in my heart
You may never find again
我将关闭心扉 无意随你放逐
And so heading for the sea
Now that the flowers are in bloom
不如奔向海洋 鲜花吐露芬芳
Just when the wild mimosa tree
Is like the colour of our room
合欢树的两旁 犹如你我闺房
La la la......
啦 啦 啦......
If you just travel on and on
Till I don't know where
若你浪迹天涯 直到音讯全无
There's a place in my heart
You may never find again
我将关闭心扉 无意随你放逐

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