
主博云音乐账号: 古水-LOFTER
子博乐乎用户名: 九夏樂音
Dead Lover's Sarabande (Face Two) Sopor Æternus & the Ensemble of Shadows
No One Is There - Sopor Æternus & the Ensemble of Shadows

《no one is there》来自Sopor Aeternus,与其说Sopor Aeternus是一支乐队,不如将其看作一个来自德国的神秘的哲学家团体。核心Anna-Varney(原名Varney),一个有异性倾向的思想家,他的音乐里包涵的那种对黑暗的向往、抑郁且扭曲的思想意识,那“比黑暗更加黑暗”的歌词和旋律,有着异乎寻常的魔力。

“比黑暗更加黑暗。你必须一只脚踩在墓穴中,另一只脚踏在疯人院里,才能聆听那样的音乐。” —— 摘自 Gloria Victis


Now and then I'm scared, 现在我感到恐惧

when I seem to forget how sounds becomewords or even sentences ... 当我似乎遗忘的声音成为了文字甚至审判

No, I don't speak anymore and what could Isay, 不,我再也不会开口,那些我可能会说的话

since no-one is there and there is nothingto say ... 因为没有人在这里,这里什么也没有

So, I prefer to lie in darkest silencealone ... 我更愿意独自躺在最黑暗的寂静中

listening to the lack of light, or sound,or someone to talk to, 聆听黑暗,是声音,是谁在低语

for something to share ... 为了分享什么

- but there is no hope and no-one is there.但是这里没有希望,没有人在这里

No, no, no ...- not one living soul andthere is nothing (left) to say, 没有活着的灵魂,没有人发一言

in darkness I lie all alone by myself, 我独自躺在黑暗之中

sleeping most of the time to endure thepain. 所有的时间中我在沉睡忍受这痛苦

I am not breathing a word, 我不发一言

I haven't spoken for weeks 我几周都不说一句话

and yet the mistress inside me is(secretly) straining her ears. 然而我内心的情人竖起耳朵

But there is no-one, 但是这里没有一个人

and it seems to me at times 看来在每一刻

that with every passing hour another wordis leaving my mind ... 每过一个小时,一个词就从我脑中消失

I am the mistress of loneliness, 我是孤独的情人

my court is deserted but I do not care. 我的庭院一片荒芜但是我无心照看

The presence of people is ugly and cold 活着的人丑恶且冷酷

and something I can neither watch nor bear.我不想去看这些也不能忍受

So, I prefer to lie in darkness silencealone, 因此,我祈祷独自躺在寂静的黑暗中

listening to the lack of light, or sound,or someone to talk to, 听那黑暗,听那声音,有什么人在说话

for something to share ... 为了分享这些

- but there is no hope and no-one is there.但是这里没有希望,没有人在这里

No, I don't speak anymore and what should Isay, 不,我再也不会开口,那些我可能会说的话

since no- one is there and there is nothingto say? 因为没有人在这里,这里什么也没有

All is oppressive, alles ist schwer, 所有的压抑,

there is no-one and NO-ONE IS THERE ... 这里没有人

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