
主博云音乐账号: 古水-LOFTER
子博乐乎用户名: 九夏樂音
Remember Daniel Boone
Beautiful Sunday - Daniel Boone

        美妙晴好的周日,从一首经典的老歌开始,若与心中的恋人相伴,每一天都当是Sunday,每一个平凡的日子又何尝不是“Sun day”呢......

Sunday morning, up with the lark
周日清晨  云雀啁啾
I think I'll take a walk in the park
信步闲庭  怡然忘忧
Hey, hey, hey, it's a beautiful day
美好一天  精神抖擞
I've got someone waiting for me
想那伊人  为我等候
And when I see her I know that she'll say
见我到来  撅起小口
Hey, hey, hey, it's a beautiful day
美好一天  忘却忧愁
Hi, hi, hi, beautiful Su-unday
春风拂面  暖日当头
This is my, my, my, beautiful day-ay-ay
愿这美好  能作停留
When you say, say, say, say that you lo-ove me
当妳道出  爱的时候
Oh-oh-oh my, my, my, it's a beautiful day
小鹿乱撞  顿时秀逗
Birds are singing, you by my side
鸟儿羞羞  人儿悠悠
Lets take a car and go for a ride
驾上爱车  把风来兜
Hey, hey, hey, it's a beautiful day
耳畔生风  脚底抹油
We'll drive on and follow the sun
追逐阳光  相伴左右
Making Sunday go on and on
不分昏昼  绵延不休
Hey, hey, hey, it's a beautiful day
如至桃源  景逸声幽
Hi, hi, hi, beautiful Su-unday
眼前一切  美不胜收
This is my, my, my, beautiful day-ay-ay
愿这美好  细水长流
When you say, say, say, say that you lo-ove me
当妳送出  爱的温柔
Oh-oh-oh my, my, my, it's a beautiful day
繁花盛放  此生何求
Hi, hi, hi, beautiful Su-unday
此时此刻  执子之手
This is my, my, my, beautiful day-ay-ay
愿这美好  天长地久
When you say, say, say, say that you lo-ove me
与你同泛  爱的扁舟
Oh-oh-oh my, my, my, it's a beautiful day
共浴爱河  不离白首
                                               「Beautiful Sunday」
                                                       by Daniel Boone

        最近LOFTER上日文歌大行其道,不是缺了歌词翻译,就是译得像语文不及格的留级生。找来这首英国歌手丹尼尔·布恩(Daniel Boone 1942.7.31- )于1972年红遍全球的金曲「美好的周日」(Beautiful Sunday),听一听这首40多年前的旧曲是否仍能打动你呢!除了在英美各大音乐排行榜上长久停留外,布恩亦凭借此曲获得当年“滚石杂志”授予的“最受喜爱歌手”殊荣,另外值得一提的是,该曲至今仍保持着日本销量第一的非本国歌手单曲之纪录。

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